Co-creating with my spirit guides

Who are your spirit guides? What do you see, sense, feel or hear when you call upon them?

For me, I see horses. Horses with sparkling eyes and friendly smiles. Every time I call them in, peacefulness permeates me. I feel safe, yet encouraged to embark on any venture that excites me. My spirit guides want curiosity to direct me towards fulfillment.

What is a spirit guide?

Whether we know it, believe it, or understand it, everyone has a team of spirit guides. At any moment, we can intend to connect with them and listen to the guidance they wish to share with us.

As expressed in the name itself, a spirit guide is a lifeform that exists in spirit. It may not have a physical presence we can perceive with our naked eyes, but we can usually experience them in other ways, e.g. temples growing warm, hearing voices, seeing visions in our third-eye, etc.

Spirit guides work with our higher selves to help us embody the lessons, gifts and pathways to live out our highest good.

Spirit guides and energy work

As an energy healer, I regularly collaborate with my spirit guides. At the start of each session, I call them in; I ask permission for healing to take place and to help me see what I need for the client’s highest good. Together, my spirit guides and I help balance the client energetically as well as channel insights to help them realise their potential.

Spirit guides and our personal journeys

In terms of seeking guidance for myself, I’m often met with surprises. There are times when I’ve reached out in a fit of anxiety and have been hammered with silence. Equally, there are times when I’ve been so immersed in something that a spirit guide enters my consciousness and gifts me with a pearl of wisdom I didn’t see coming. I discuss one such experience here.

No matter my spirit guides’ response, there is always a learning to integrate – even during periods of silence. Perhaps I need to be more patient (I’m actually 100% certain I need this!) or look at something with a different perspective.

I want to impress that receiving insights from our spirit guides is no one-stitch fix. Our life won’t magically change over night and our spirit guides can’t absolve us from personal responsibility.

Remember, guidance is only as good as the action we perform afterwards. Our spirit guides can plant the seed to help steer us in the right direction, but it is our choice to listen, show up and integrate the guidance through our actions.

Spirit guides and art

You might have co-created with a spirit guide without realising. Recall those moments of sudden inspiration when you received an idea for a painting, story or song, etc. Where did it come from? What feelings or sensations came over you?

Our spirit guides are often more subtle than we expect. Rather than herald their presence with Hollywood fireworks, our spirit guides can merely offer an idea and move on their merry way less than a heartbeat later.

Throughout history, it’s no secret that artists have used their practice to channel information. For example, Paul Gauguin said “I close my eyes in order to see” before painting. I feel incredibly fortunate to have also worked with my spirit guides in a similar way…

In April 2023, I had a lucid dream where I drew a horse and wrote “my horse is my guide” beside it. I then received a message to create a picture book that encapsulates the wonder and delight of having a conscious relationship with a spirit guide. I woke up with insurmountable excitement, and worked on bringing the idea into material reality.

A little more than a year later, this book is now available on Amazon!

To say co-creating with my spirit guides is rewarding is a gross understatement. I love being in the peace of their presence and accessing ideas and perspectives I didn’t see before. My spirit guides are an endless source of love and learning.

If you’re curious about your gifts and want to work more closely with your spirit guides, book a session with me now. I love helping people unlock their potential.

Abi Rose

Offering my insights on how being creative expands consciousness.

Embracing a patchwork existence


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