The point of self-healing for planetary health

Self-healing isn’t selfish. The way we feel about ourselves can mirror our attitude towards the world around us and thus shape our interactions with the rest of reality.

As the sense of urgency to rethink how humans use the earth to live has accelerated, the opinion that self-healing is an indulgent practice in the context of the environmental crisis has entered public discourse.

To assume our own wellbeing is exclusive to that of the broader planetary ecosystem grossly limits the role we can play as sentient beings on earth.

This is due to the undeniable fact that we are a part of nature - the influence of our thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions touches everything in our path. We all are affected by and can affect each other.

Narratives behind our actions

Narratives that dictate our perception of ourselves and our worldview aren’t dormant inside us.

They have a life of their own. They have the power to position, activate or diminish opportunities. The narratives we believe about ourselves, and our purpose fabricate the world in which we live.

When looking at ways we can live more harmoniously with the rest of the earth, looking at our own inner landscape is a good place to start. That is, our own emotions, how we process them, and how we may project them onto others.

Each day let’s notice how we feel. What enlivens us? What diminishes us? What stories do we carry around about ourselves that no longer serve us?

When we become aware of the narratives that orchestrate how we interact with the world around us, we can discover the missing pieces in our capacity to find harmony with the rest of reality.

Our diet as our life force

Our diet encompasses more than the food we eat. From the media we consume to the people that surround us, everything we subject ourselves to forms our holistic diet.

Let us ask ourselves:

• How does the food we eat make us feel?

• How do we feel doing the work we do to live?

• What effect does our regular media consumption have on us? Does it uplift? Does it act as a depressant?

• How do our daily habits affect our thoughts and our energy levels?

• Who are the people that have the strongest influence over us? What choices do we make because of them?

When we are mindful of all the elements in our diet, we can uncover any destructive patterns that keep us feeling anxious, depressed or fearful.

This then allows us to make changes that uplift our life experience, creating a ripple effect of others being inspired to be more compassionate with themselves and the world around them.

Experiences trigger emotions; emotions stimulate thoughts; thoughts drive behaviour; behaviour influences relationships; relationships create movements; movements build change.

Healing the earth isn’t a one-sided, linear task. It works both ways as the earth is also healing us. The simplest acts, like walking bare foot through a field of grass, can calm our nervous system and uplift our spirit.

Being present with the life around us guides us to clear the blockages within ourselves that keep us feeling isolated and out of relationship with the rest of reality.

Our willingness to be compassionate with ourselves both catalyses and runs parallel with us being more compassionate for the earth. Planetary health is brought into being through our hearts.

Abi Rose

Offering my insights on how being creative expands consciousness.

Co-creating with my spirit guides


A writer’s woe