The relationship between art therapy and energy healing

I googled “energy healing courses Sydney” at the end of 2021. I’d spent the past few years doing art therapy for self-healing and was ready to move deeper into my spiritual journey.

My google search led me to the Ashati Institute of Energy Healing, where I have since completed the Healer and Master training courses.

As I’ve continued to explore myself through art therapy while studying energy healing, I’ve been compelled to reflect on the relationship between the two.

It goes without saying that everything in our reality is made up of energy. Whether it’s breathing in oxygen, talking to someone or swimming through a river, everything we do involves an exchange of energy.

Art therapy is no different. With art therapy, where we relinquish the desire to control how the drawing looks, we bring our intuition and repressed energies to the forefront of our awareness.

This enables us to:

● Connect with our internal desires

● Convert pain into art

● Court spiritual insights

● Find creative freedom

● Improve our sense of focus

● Move from anxiety to calmness

● Uncover blocked memories and trauma

Allowing ourselves to express what needs to be released strengthens our connection to our authentic selves as well as the broader spiritual reality that surrounds us. Art therapy ultimately makes us more receptive to the life-giving energy in all things.

Art therapy and the chakras

A Sanskrit word, “chakra” translates in English as “spinning disk” [or wheel]. Chakras refer to the energy centres (or vortexes) in the body. They are the points in the body where energy is felt and is at its strongest. Humans have seven main chakras: the crown, third-eye, throat, heart, solar-plexus, sacral and the base.

I recently shared my interpretations of the seven main chakras on Instagram. I approached each drawing with the intention of capturing how I perceive the visceral nature of each chakra and allowed my intuition to bring it to life on paper. In true art therapy fashion, I didn’t control the outcome that emerged on the page before me!

Creating these interpretations helped me to tune into the energy within my own chakras as well as deepen my understanding of the role each chakra plays.

Each chakra carries its own energy. When working with clients, energy healers tune into the energy of each chakra and then channel the required healing energies to flow through. This is to allow blockages to be mended, energy to be balanced, spiritual insights to be received and for the client to be empowered to act for their greatest and highest good.

Because art therapy enables a closer connection with our authentic selves, we can use it to tune into each chakra by way of learning what we need for an optimal existence.

How the chakras play out in our life

When we use art therapy to tune into our chakras, we can bring forward a plethora of wisdom into our lives.

~ Crown chakra ~

Key associations: peace, connection and guidance.

Location: the crown of our head.

Summary: this chakra facilitates our connection with the universe and higher consciousness. When this chakra is in balance, we can receive insights from deities, ancestral spirits, our higher selves and our spirit guides. We are open to wisdom all around us and are motivated to live our life's purpose. If this chakra is blocked, we can feel uncertain in our path, disconnected from ourselves and our world, as well as a sense of distrust in the spirit world.

Care tips:

● Guided meditations that are focused on chakra opening

Journal dreams each morning (one of the main mediums spiritual entities use to connect with us)

● Art therapy - letting our consciousness unfold

~ Third-eye chakra ~

Key associations: clarity, intuition and wisdom.

Location: central forehead above the eyes.

Summary: the third-eye is connected to our psychic and extra sensory perception (ESP) abilities. When this chakra is in balance, we are sensitive to the people around us, understand what feels “right” for our path, and have an overall trust in our ability to navigate life. The third-eye is also intrinsic to perceiving spiritual and psychic visions through the higher senses (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience). If this chakra is blocked, it can be difficult to act in a way that feels aligned to a rewarding purpose and to feel deeply connected with others.

Care tips:

Stream of consciousness writing

● Journal dreams each morning

● Oracle card reading exchanges with friends

~ Throat chakra ~

Key associations: truth, courage and communication.

Location: the throat (hence the name).

Summary: this chakra governs our ability to speak, listen, write and interact with others. Beyond the physical acts of communication, this chakra is also linked to us having the courage to express ourselves freely and honestly. We are more able to develop authentic connections with others when this chakra is in balance. Acting from a place of truth naturally attracts those who are on a similar wavelength. If this chakra is blocked, we may struggle to communicate our needs, speak about things we’re genuinely passionate about and attract people into our lives who share the same values.

Care tips:

● Daily journaling

● Write a list of everything holding us back and then speak with a trusted friend, counsellor or mentor on how it can be worked through

● Sing (we don’t have to be the most technically perfect singers to benefit from the spiritual fortitude that using our in-built instrument brings)

~ Heart chakra ~

Key associations: love, compassion and forgiveness.

Location: the heart (another self-evident chakra name).

Summary: this chakra stores a lot of our feelings that we have towards ourselves. It is also tied to our ability to be open to other people on an emotional level. When our heart is open, we’re more able to forgive ourselves for mistakes (that we perceive as being mistakes) we made in the past. We have an improved capacity to practise positive self-talk and are receptive to those that surround and cross paths with us. If blocked, we may find it difficult to receive love from others and opt to keep people at arm’s length. A blocked heart also hinders our ability to practise self-compassion.

Care tips:

Meditations where we meet and care for our younger selves

● Journal positive affirmations (e.g. I can give my energy to that which energises me)

● Perform a random act of kindness each day (e.g. making your partner/house-mate a cup of tea without being prompted)

~ Solar-plexus chakra ~

Key associations: courage, confidence and strength.

Location: above the naval.

Summary: the solar-plexus is our power source. It relates to our will to succeed as well as the confidence we have in our abilities. When our solar-plexus is in balance, we have greater self-belief. We are motivated to seek opportunities and follow through with making our dreams a reality. If this chakra is blocked, we may be riddled with self-doubt and struggle to do what we genuinely want to do.

Care tips:

● Receive direct solar energy by doing outdoor activity

● Stream of consciousness writing (to uncover the doubting voice)

● Daily affirmations (e.g. I can do it)

~ Sacral chakra ~

Key associations: pleasure, creativity and nurture.

Location: at the abdomen.

Summary: the sacral is closely linked with the reproductive system and is tied to our sense of creativity as well as our sexuality. When this chakra is open, we are connected with that which gives us pleasure and opt to pepper our lives with creative playfulness. If blocked, we may deprive ourselves of pleasure. We may feel unworthy of it and struggle to feel at home in ourselves.

Care tips:

● Art therapy - allow our creativity to unfold organically

● Set aside time each week to do something indulgent

● Singing and dancing

~ Base chakra ~

Key associations: grounding, protection and security.

Location: the base of the spine.

Summary: this chakra rules our ability to navigate the ebbs and flows of life. It also relates to our sense of connection with the earth. When our base is open, we’re best equipped to remain grounded, despite what’s thrown our way. We can readily adapt and use what we have available to survive. If blocked, we can be enveloped by anxiety and struggle to make decisions to ensure optimal safety and livelihood.

Care tips:

● Outdoor activity (to nurture our sense of connection with nature)

● Write a list of gratitude statements (e.g. I am grateful for my health and fitness)

● Cook (or learn to cook) - this helps us feel at home in any space

Art therapy has made me more aware of my relationship to the energy around me and energy healing has helped me connect even deeper with my intuitive art practice. I love the symbiotic relationship these two practices facilitate in my life. I’m beyond excited to experience even greater growth from this reciprocal marriage.

Abi Rose

Offering my insights on how being creative expands consciousness.

You deserve to exist


Learning to navigate the ebb and flow of creative work