Tortured creative


in judgment,

Not flowing

Is this a rip I can escape?

Sick of second-guessing

It only leads to stagnancy and self-deprivation

Instrumentation is what I yearn for

Riddled with what if’s, shoulds and shouldn’ts,

I’m wedged in a standstill

Nothing’s getting past the gatekeeper tonight

Where’s a good party crasher when you need it?

I’ll happily summon one

Ink blots gathering on the page

No words emerging

Has my voice been corked?

Tuning into my internal critics,

I shudder at their bark

Their dialogue offers no liberation

I’m trapped in their doubt,

Drowning in misery

Abi Rose

Offering my insights on how being creative expands consciousness.

My Reiki level one experience


Release through art therapy