My Reiki level one experience

Where has your passion led you?

My passion for spiritual healing led to a level one Reiki course. I was utterly enthralled! Whether you’re interested in learning about the spiritual dimension, want to explore self-healing, or intend to practice as an energy healer, Reiki is a highly enriching learning endeavour.

My Reiki level one experience encapsulates some of the most fun I’ve ever had with doing a course. That’s why I feel compelled to share my experience with you today.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word. “Rei” means “universal”, and “Ki” means “lifeforce”. The concept isn’t as obscure as one might think. Reiki simply refers to the spirit in all living things. Other terms (which you may have heard of) that also refer to this concept include “qi”, “prana”, etc. While there are different ways to harness lifeforce energy, the source remains the same.

Source energy is highly intelligent. When a Reiki practitioner is working with a client, the energy travels to where it’s most needed and for the individual’s highest good. Healers are merely conduits for lifeforce energy, not controllers.

Lifeforce energy can raise our vibration, relieve ailments (whether they be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) and act as an impetus for spiritual insights. Channelling lifeforce energy gives us access to the unseen, including our higher selves, ancestral spirits, divine entities and the wisdom in the natural world. Increasing our access to the unseen allows us to learn more about ourselves and the world around us.

A holistic healing modality, Reiki services the mind, body and spirit.

Guiding intention

Having a strong “why” is essential for any learning endeavour. It keeps the quest anchored in meaning, ensuring we don’t lose motivation or clarity.

Before you set out to learn Reiki, ask yourself why you’re wanting to pursue this path. What are you hoping to achieve by bringing Reiki into your life? What about Reiki appeals to you? What do you want to change about yourself and your life? How do you hope Reiki will assist in enacting the changes you seek?

You may want to write a candid journal entry before attending a course. Commencing Reiki with a guiding intention keeps us grounded.

Preparing for the course

I really enjoyed reading “The Reiki Manual” by Penelope Quest and Kathy Roberts prior to attending the course. It’s a very comprehensive guide to learning, practicing and teaching Reiki. Everything the course covered was a call back to what I had read in The Reiki Manual. Prior reading helped me better understand and integrate the teachings.

When preparing for a Reiki course, stay true to your optimal learning method. For instance, I’m very connected to the written word and have always loved reading. Prior reading is thus an effective way for me to learn a new skill.

This may not be the case for everyone. Let’s say for example, you’re an auditory-oriented person. You learn best through music and listening to others speak. Worthwhile prior learning activities for this type of learner could include listening to podcasts about Reiki as well as Reiki healing meditations. No matter what type of learner you are, do what best supports your ability to absorb new information and ideas. It will help you get the most out of the experience.

During the leadup and aftermath of a Reiki course, it’s highly recommended that we avoid alcohol, caffeine, highly processed foods and any kind of drugs. Prioritise the consumption of organic, unprocessed foods and drink lots of water.

The point of level one

In most Reiki teaching, there are four levels: Reiki level one, Reiki level two (practitioner level), Reiki level three (master level) and Reiki level four (master-teacher level).

Before I explain the objectives of level one, here is a quick rundown of the other levels:

• “Reiki Level Two” – This is the practitioner level. Students who have completed Reiki level two can legally operate a professional Reiki healing practice. In this level, students learn more about what makes “Reiki” distinct from other healing modalities. This involves the learning of traditional Japanese Reiki symbols and mantras.

• “Reiki Level Three” - This is the master practitioner level. True to the aim of other master disciplines, this level allows students to gain greater depth and specialisation in their practice. Level three students become a Reiki master by an already initiated Reiki master from the lineage tradition.

• “Reiki Level Four” – This is the master teacher level. Students pursuing this level learn how to teach Reiki and pass it onto others.

Now that you know the general Reiki learning trajectory, let’s come back to level one. The priority with level one is to deepen a sense of connection to lifeforce energy. This can be achieved through practicing self-healing as well as practicing Reiki on friends, family, pets, food and plants. If you’ve only completed level one, it’s Illegal to establish a professional Reiki healing practice. Reiki level one should be focused around self-healing and discovery.

Four attunements take place in a level one course. An attunement helps activate the body in allowing it to be more receptive to lifeforce energy. In the course I undertook, the first attunement was in the hands. I felt a bolt of lightning permeate my palms during this attunement. It was an incredible feeling!

For the other attunements, I felt prickly sensations throughout my body. Everyone’s response to the attunements is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all reaction. Don’t worry if you experience something different to another person.

Provided the individual has the desire, anyone of any religion or worldview can weave Reiki into their life. Reiki isn’t tied to any religious faith or affiliation. No matter who you are or what you choose to believe, studying Reiki can help expand consciousness. It makes us more open to possibility, particularly that of the unseen.

Performing Reiki

At first, I felt nervous when we were asked to practice Reiki on a partner. I worried I wouldn’t be able to activate Reiki or do an effective treatment. I was happy when I received positive feedback from my partner. She told me she could feel the warmth in my hands and that she experienced tingly sensations throughout her body.

When it was my turn to be the Reiki recipient, I enjoyed the light touch in which my partner executed the treatment. It was very calming and relaxing. After we had both given and received a Reiki treatment, we discussed what contributed to an effective treatment.

Here are some tips I learnt:

• execute treatment with a touch that’s light and gentle

• avoid being heavy-handed

• visualise light entering through the crown chakra of the recipient and throughout the rest of the body

• avoid worrying – Is this working? Am I doing it right?

• be present.

Practicing Reiki on my partner made me realise just how much I enjoy performing Reiki. It fills me with sublime joy!

The afterward

It’s not recommended to immediately jump into a level two course after completing level one. Most Reiki schools’ stipulate level one students to adhere to a 21-day healing clearance (which I’m currently in).

During the 21-day healing clearance, each of our chakras are being cleared. This helps us heal from trauma, while enabling us to access lifeforce energy more easily. Most Reiki instructors also send distant healing to students within the 21-day clearance. The distant healing comes to us when we sleep, are resting and when we consciously call it in. I highly recommend electing a course which offers this lovely support.

To support our healing, Reiki instructors recommend doing an energy shower and self-treatment each day. How you weave these two procedures into your day is up to you. I personally enjoy doing the energy shower when I wake up. Emulating the function of a coffee, an energy shower enlivens the senses. I find it a helpful way to combat morning grogginess!

I like giving self-treatments at night. I find it conducive to restful night’s sleep. The effects of the two procedures may not be the same for everyone. For example, one of the teachers said they find that giving themselves a Reiki treatment at night keeps them awake (the opposite to what I experience)!

I’m also supporting myself by listening to my dreams, doing stream of consciousness writing and intuitive drawing. It’s important to do what makes you feel happy and grounded.

At its core, Reiki helps us fall into greater alignment with ourselves. In feeling more connected to lifeforce energy, we can understand how our breath, thoughts, feelings, and intentions influence and are influenced by all living things.

How do you nourish your lifeforce?

Abi Rose

Offering my insights on how being creative expands consciousness.

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