

  • All appointments are delivered online via Zoom

  •  I don’t do timings as freewill can alter predictions

  • I also don’t read on pregnancy, legal or medical questions

Reiki/Energy healing

Reiki is a Japanese word which means “universal lifeforce energy.” Based on the understanding that everything in our reality is energy, Reiki healing is about channelling lifeforce energy to help heal and balance the individual.

In my practice, I tune into the energy around each of the seven main chakras - the crown, third-eye, throat, heart, solar-plexus, sacral and the base - to determine if the client has any blockages (or imbalances) as well as where the energy is at it’s strongest.

Based on the insights I receive, I channel the required healing energies to flow through and help balance the client.

Please note I always allow one quarter of the treatment time for feedback. This is when I give you detailed readings of what I saw and felt within each of the chakras during the healing.

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Voice channelled Q/A reading

Get answers to your burning questions and see the bigger picture around your life path. In this service, I work with my team of spirit guides to channel the guidance you need for your highest good.

Come prepared with questions to get the most out of this session.

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Intuitive guidance reading

I offer guidance around your gifts, path and aspirations. This is so you have the clarity you need to unlock more of your potential.

 Whether you need guidance on a creative endeavour, yearn to overcome a limiting belief or desire more clarity on your unique gifts, an intuitive guidance session is meant to empower and support you.

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